asked the Prime Minister whether he has had any communication with the Prime-Minister of the Dominion of Canada with reference to the lifting of the embargo against Canadian cattle; and, if so, will he state their result?
The answer is in the negative.
Is it not possible to find out officially whether Canada regards the promise given as a definite Government pledge, and, if so, must we not keep it whatever may be the result?
Undoubtedly the late Prime Minister made that clear at the meeting of the Imperial Conference.
Has the right hon. Gentleman explained to the Canadian Government that this embargo rests upon a Statute, and that it can only be removed by Parliament?
It is not necessary to state that, because they are well acquainted with the fact. It is a matter of very great importance to Canada.
Has the Prime Minister informed the Canadian Government that the Leader of the House has declined to find time for a Bill removing this embargo?
Has the Imperial Government informed the Canadian Government that His Majesty's Government do not propose to carry out the pledge they gave?