asked the Postmaster-General the reason why the North Farnborough postal service has been curtailed; if he is aware that letters arriving at Farnborough are now carried three miles by road to Aldershot, from there to Marlborough Lines Post Office, and thence sent out for delivery, whereas all the facilities for delivering letters exist at Farnborough Post Office, opposite the station; and the reason for carting letters miles around the country in motor vans whilst facilities for dealing with them are on the spot and left idle?
The change recently carried out consists of the transfer from Farnborough Post Office of the work of sorting to the Aldershot Post Office, and of the work of delivery to the post office at Marlborough Lines. This change carried with it important administrative advantages and a substantial saving in expenditure, and it has not led to any curtailment of the postal facilities at North Farnborough, except that the final collection is now made at 9.45 p.m. instead of 10.45 p.m. This minor alteration affects only a trifling amount of correspondence, and the time 9.45 p.m. compares very favourably with that in force at towns of similar importance elsewhere.