asked the Prime Minister whether, as our Air Force is dangerously deficient as a protection against invasion, and the fighting services are costing this year £167,000,000 as against £86,000,000 pre-War, he will appoint a Commission to ascertain how most efficiently the public money can be spent for defence, having regard to modern aircraft developments?
No, Sir. The matters referred to are already under the consideration of the Committee of Imperial Defence.
Has any de-finite action been taken to avoid a great waste of the taxpayers' money?
The matter is being carefully considered by the experts who advise the Government, and they are also considering the machinery for the purpose.
In view of the fact that the Committee of Imperial Defence is a very hard-worked body, will the right hon. Gentleman consider the advisability of appointing a separate Commission?
I think it must be the Committee of Imperial Defence—a separate Committee of that body.