asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, in view of the fact that he has stated that the Metropolitan police women patrols will be reduced and not disbanded, he will state how many he proposes to retain and in what capacities and for what duties?
I cannot give a definite answer as yet, but up to the present it has been arranged that three women patrols should be retained for the purpose of taking statements from women and girls.
Is it not a fact that the three women who have been offered the post have refused it, because they realised that it was only camouflage?
I do not think that that is so. I understand from the Commissioner that they have accepted it.
I think that you have understood incorrectly.
asked the Home Secretary when he proposes to institute the inquiry into the work of the Metropolitan police women patrols?
I am not aware that there is any necessity for further inquiry at the present time.
Did you not say that you were going to have some inquiries made?
I do not think so. I have no recollection of saying any such thing.
Well, one of you said it.