asked the Home Secretary if he is now able to report to the House the result of his inquiries into the distribution of wines and spirits during the rationed period by the Central Board of Management, Carlisle?
I presume the hon. and gallant Member is referring to his assertion in his question of the 15th May that a certain letter written in 1919 stated that supplies of beers and spirits largely in excess of the quantities that were sanctioned under the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Order were supplied to a club and similar organisations in Carlisle. These and similar allegations cannot be dealt with adequately by question and answer, and I should prefer to meet them in debate, but I am advised that it is not the case that during the period in question the Central Control Board ever supplied beer or spirits in excess of the quantities sanctioned by the Food Controller's Regulations. The allocation made to any club or to any other persons was necessarily made from the limited total supply at the disposal of the Board, since the Board neither brewed beer, nor cleared spirits from bond, in excess of the quantities authorised by the Regulations.