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Grants, Local Authorities

Volume 233: debated on Thursday 19 December 1929

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asked the Lord Privy Seal under what conditions the full financial terms, namely, 75 per cent. of the interest and sinking fund for the first 15 years, and 37½ per cent. for the second 15 years, will be afforded to local authorities which have submitted unemployment relief schemes in areas where the number of unemployed is 10 per cent. or over; and what percentage of transferred labour from adjoining or other areas is required in order to qualify for the full financial terms in areas where the number of unemployed is under 10 per cent.?

The present terms and conditions under which the Unemployment Grants Committee are authorised to recommend grants for relief works are fully set out in a leaflet recently issued to local authorities by the committee. I am informed that a copy has already been sent to the hon. Member. My right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour will be happy to supply him with any information he may require about the application of these terms in any particular case.