asked the Postmaster-General whether he proposes to carry out Recommendation VIII (Telephone Services) of the Imperial Wireless and Cables Conference Report, 1928, which states that the prospects of harmonious working might be prejudiced if any of the undertakings concerned were not under predominant British control?
This is apparently an inquiry as to future overseas wireless telephony policy, a matter on which I am not in a position to add to the Prime Minister's reply on the 3rd instant to the hon. and gallant Member for Chelmsford (Colonel Howard-Bury).
asked the Postmaster-General the outcome of his correspondence with an American telegraph and telephone company respecting wireless telephony in relation to Egypt?
I have had no communication with any American telegraph and telephone company in regard to wireless telephone service between Great Britain and Egypt.
asked the Postmaster-General what has been the net surplus or deficit on the Post Office transatlantic wireless telephone service in each financial year since the opening of the service?
The figures are: From commencement of service, 7th January, to 31st March, 1927, deficit £7,161; 1927–28, deficit £28,582; 1928–29, surplus £33,062; for the period April-November, 1929, surplus £29,355.