asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what extra staff, if any, has been engaged for the purpose of dealing with claims under the new Pensions Act; and whether he expects all claims to be settled by the appointed day?
Up to date an addition of 81 clerks has been made to the staff of the Contributory Pensions Division of the Department of Health for Scotland consequent on the passing of the Act of 1929. As regards the latter part of the question, it is anticipated that the timeous claims submitted under
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the total amount of money borrowed for housing by the municipalities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, respectively; the total interest paid; the amount of money still owing; and the number of houses built?
I am informed that in respect of the period from 1919 to 15th November last the figures desired were as follow:the Act other than a percentage of difficult and doubtful claims will be disposed of before the commencing day. I would take this opportunity of emphasising the desirability of the submission of applications at the earliest possible date.