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Public Health (Infant Welfare, Fulham)

Volume 236: debated on Thursday 6 March 1930

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asked the Minister of Health what provision is being made by way of grant for the voluntary infant welfare centre at Fulham for the period from April, 1928, to April, 1929, and from April, 1929, to April, 1930; and whether he can state the last time such a grant was paid and in respect of what particular period?

The grant paid to this centre for the year 1928–29 was £298 11s. 1d. and this payment was made on 13th November, 1928. The grant payable for the year 1929–30 is £395, but as the centre is being transferred to the borough council on 1st April next, it is necessary to ascertain that this payment is required in order to enable the centre to discharge its liabilities in respect of the services for which the grant is payable. This matter is now under investigation.