asked the Prime Minister whether, in the case of imports produced by compulsory labour, it is the intention of the Government to work through the machinery of the League of Nations, as in the case of sweated goods, or to deal with the matter by legislation?
I have been asked to answer this question. The importation into this country of goods which have been made or produced in any foreign prison, gaol, house of correction or penitentiary is already prohibited by the Foreign (Prison-made) Goods Act, 1897.
Does that apply to the immense amount of compulsory labour that is employed in Soviet Russia?
I must ask for notice of that question.
My question applies to compulsory labour and not prison labour.
Perhaps the hon. and gallant Gentleman will put down a fuller question.
Is the hon. Gentleman prepared to introduce legislation to prevent the exportation from this country of goods which are being produced by sweated labour here?
I must ask for notice of that question.