asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the amount of duty paid by the Scottish beverage known as red biddy; and what is the total amount of revenue received from this duty?
I understand that the name "Red Biddy" is a term applied locally in certain districts to cheap red wines of either British or foreign origin. It is not a designation known to the Revenue, and I am, therefore, unable to give the particulars asked for.
Are we to understand that the Chancellor of the Exchequer is not collecting duty on this beverage; and are we also to understand that he considers it a teetotal drink?
I am not able to answer the last part of the question, but, in regard to the first part, if it be made from wines, then of course duty is paid.
Does not the right hon. Gentleman know that we were told the other day that some of it is manufactured in this country; that we were also informed that it is very likely that it contains spirits, and will he have careful inquiry made into this matter?