asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the respective maintenance costs of the Glasgow Corporation housing schemes at Craigton and Drumoyne?
I am informed that for the years 1923 to 1929 inclusive the maintenance costs of the Glasgow Corporation's housing schemes at Craigton and Drumoyne were £8,149 7s. 7d. and £5,440 9s. 1d. respectively. The number of houses at Craigton is 454, as compared with 318 at Drumoyne.
In view of the amazing statement circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT last week in relation to these two housing schemes, is the hon. Gentleman prepared to ask the officials of his Department to inquire into the reasons why the Glasgow Corporation discarded the Department responsible for the Drumoyne scheme?
I am afraid that we have no power to do that. The discretion as to whether the Corporation carries out the work by direct labour or by contract is a matter entirely for the Corporation.
If it has been proved that there is a saving of over £200 per house as between the two methods, surely it is in the interests of the public purse that the Government should inquire into it?
It is certainly the case that my hon. Friend's question and the answer have given widespread publicity to the figures to which he has referred, and I trust that they will be taken into cognisance by all local authorities.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if, before sanctioning any extension of housing schemes by private enterprise in Glasgow for which a State subsidy is applied, he will cause an investigation into the financial arrangements covering such schemes?
Sanction is not required to any extension of housing schemes in Glasgow by private enterprise for which State subsidy is applied. In such cases the State subsidy is payable to the Corporation who make it available to private enterprise in accordance with their general scheme of assistance which has been approved by the Department of Health for Scotland.
Is the hon. Gentleman prepared to receive a deputation which will submit evidence that the housing scheme sanctioned is grossly over-subsidised?
Any evidence to the effect that State moneys are going unnecessarily in housing schemes will be gladly welcomed by the Department.
Will the hon. Gentleman takes powers, if he has not got them, to see that, if anyone who is using private enterprise to erect houses uses other than Scotch slates, he will not get any subsidy?