asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware that, while the Housing (Scotland) Act, 1925, enables local authorities to exercise compulsory powers to take land for working-class houses, there exists no legislation to enable private individuals to obtain compulsorily land in and around small towns and villages in Scotland for building dwelling-houses or shops; and whether the Government proposes to introduce legislation to compel landowners to make land available when and where required, subject to approval of the Department of Health, in view of the shortage of houses and existing unemployment?
I am aware that there is no existing power enabling private individuals to obtain compulsorily land for building purposes. I would, however, refer the hon. Member to the terms of paragraph (c) of Sub-section 1 of Section 44 of the Housing (Scotland) Act, 1925, empowering local authorities to acquire land for the purpose of disposing of it with a view to the erection thereon of dwelling houses, or to its use for other purposes incidental to the development of the land as a building estate.