asked the First Commissioner of Works whether, in his plans for providing recreation in the Royal parks, he has considered the issue of a limited number of tickets to anglers to fish in the Serpentine in Hyde Park?
Children are allowed to fish for tiddlers, and I doubt if there are other fish worth catching.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there are very fine fish in the Serpentine—big fish—and that this would be a boon to many poor anglers in London?
On a point of Order. Is a question like this not a disgraceful waste of public money, and of the time of the House of Commons?
Hon. Members must not expect me to express a personal opinion as to the value of all the questions which are put upon the Paper.
May I submit to you, Sir, that this question was put down at the request of a very large anglers' society in London composed of working men?
I made no complaint of the question.
Considering the additional facilities which have been granted for boating, bathing, juvenile paddling, etc., will the right hon. Gentleman consider the advisability of appointing an expert officer—[Interruption].
asked the First Commissioner of Works what gifts of flora and fauna have been made by private donors to the Royal Parks during the past 12 months?
I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of gifts of flora and fauna to the Royal Parks during the past 12 months. I am always pleased to receive such gifts, and am extremely grateful for them.
Would the right hon. Gentleman be good enough to send a copy of his reply to Sir Harry Brittain who, unfortunately, is temporarily unable to ask a question himself?
Certainly, I shall be very glad to do so or to oblige any other ex-Members who are similarly disabled.
On a point of Order. Is it in order for a Member of this House to ask the Minister to send a reply to an ordinary member of the public, even to an ex-Member of this House?
Sir Harry Brittain was a Member of this House, and I shall be very glad at any time to send any information to him.
Following is the list:
Mr. W. Watts:
- 2,000 daffodil bulbs.
Mr. Cuthbertson:
- 100 "Duchess of Atholl" rose bushes.
Duke of Bedford:
- 6 cygnets.
- 18 Magellanic geese.
- 12 Canadian geese.
- 2 pairs Egyptian geese.
- 200 Amherst pheasants' eggs.
Marquis of Londonderry:
- 2 pelicans.
Union of South Africa Public Works Department:
- 2 pairs Egyptian geese.
- 4 South African sheldrakes.
Admiral A. Walker-Heneage-Vivian:
- 6 silver pheasants.
Mr. Alfred Ezra:
- 1 pair Egyptian flamingoes.
- 1 pair common sheldrakes.
- 1 pair Carolina ducks.
- 31 Mandarin ducks.
Mr. W. H. St. Quentin:
- 1 pair Carolina ducks.
- 1 pair Falcated Teal.
Mr. W. H. Castle:
- 1 pair grey Lag geese.
Messrs. McLean & Wormald:
- 2 white-eyed Pochard drakes.
Mr. J. Spedan Lewis:
- 56 Mandarin ducks.
In addition, gifts of nesting-boxes have been received from. Mr. Alfred Ezra, Mr. J. Rudge Harding and Mr. A. Holte Macphersoin.