asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air whether the Royal Air Force squadrons will take part in any of the Royal Air Force meetings that are being arranged in the provinces during the coming six months; whether he will give particulars; whether the men and machines will be placed at the disposal of the provincial clubs that may be arranging these meetings; whether any profits derived from the meetings will go to the Royal Air Force; and whether the men will receive any extra remuneration for their participation or what proportion of the profits will be devoted to charitable purposes?
On the assumption that my hon. Friend is referring to civil flying meetings, the answer is that pilots and aircraft of the Royal Air Force are to attend the meeting organised by the Leicestershire Aero Club at Desford aerodrome on 19th April next, and will probably be attending three other provincial meetings also, but definite arrangements for their participation in these have not yet been made. The answer to the third, fourth and last parts of the question is in the negative. In no case are the men and machines at the disposal of the clubs; the flying is part of their Service training and no special remuneration is given for the duty, nor does any part of the profits, as such, go to the Royal Air Force. The organisers of the meetings are, however, called upon to refund all expenses incurred in excess of those of normal Service training, and the personnel participating receive allowances to cover expenses due to their absence from their ordinary station.