asked the Secretary for Mines the names of the recreation ground schemes, or addition to schemes, approved by the central welfare or district committees in Northumberland and Durham, for which tenders have been invited; the names of the firms invited to tender for each in 1929 and for 1930; and the names of the schemes which have been approved for the same counties for which tenders have not yet been invited?
The actual construction of recreation grounds is ordinarily undertaken by local committees, and the Miners' Welfare Committee are unable to give me any information as to the firms which are asked to tender, except in cases in which their own staff have been specially asked to supervise the work on the scheme. In order to provide the information for which the hon. Member asks, I should have to ask the Miners' Welfare Committee to have special inquiries made of each local committee concerned, and to make me a report. This, I am informed, would be so onerous a task that I am reluctant to ask them to undertake it.