asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the increasing number of fraudulent tea bonus schemes; and will he consider the introduction of legislation to prohibit these practices?
If such schemes comprise criminal frauds they should be reported to the police. I understand that often fraud cannot be proved. As at present advised I do not think legislation is necessary and in that connection I would call my hon. Friend's attention to the decision of the High Court in Howgate against Ralph, reported in the Press of 12th April last year, when magistrates were directed to convict as for a lottery.
Will the right hon. Gentleman call the attention of the Food Council to this general practice of companies in relation to the sales of tea?
I am not aware that there is any such general practice, but I will pass on the information.
Is the right bon. Gentleman not aware that where these bonus schemes and coupons are operating the purchasers are supplied with an inferior class of tea?
I thank my hon. Friend for that information.