asked the Secretary for Mines whether his attention has been called to the fact that recently a large order for anthracite coal has been placed by a Canadian firm with Russia, and that the reason given for this is that the Welsh supplies cannot keep pace with the demand; whether he is satisfied that the maximum possible rate of production of anthracite coal in Great Britain has been attained; and, if not, what are the difficulties standing in the way of such increased rate?
I have seen the reports in the Press to the effect that larger orders have been placed from Canada for supplies of Russian anthracite, and I have also seen in the Press the denial on behalf of Amalgamated Anthracite Collieries, Ltd., of the suggestion that this was due to a failure during last year on the part of Welsh exporters of anthracite to fulfil their orders. I am assured by the principal producers of anthracite coal in this country that they fully appreciate the present position in the Canadian market, and that all necessary steps are being taken to see that production keeps pace with the demand.