asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the Government are willing to help British claimants to enforce their claims against Turkey under Articles 231, 232, 233, and Annex 1 (9) of the Treaty of Versailles, or under Article 297 (e) and Annex 4 of such treaty?
The Articles in the Treaty of Versailles referred to in the question relate to the responsibility of Germany in respect of damage caused by Germany and her ex-allies within the limits laid down by those Articles, and no claims against Turkey arise under them. The terms in which the question is expressed appear therefore to rest on a misconception.
Is the hon. Gentleman aware that these claimants were being paid only 52½ per cent. without interest, and that similar claimants against other enemy countries were being paid in full with interest?
That is quite a separate question from the one which the hon. Member put down, but the fact is that the money which is available has been sufficient to pay the 52½ per cent., and there is no more money available.