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Iron And Steel Imports

Volume 244: debated on Friday 7 November 1930

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asked the President of the Board of Trade what was the

Wales, work had been finished on 2,206 dwellings and was in progress at that date on a further 818 dwellings.

asked the Minister of Health if he will state the number of State-assisted houses built in England and Wales under the various Housing Acts between let January, 1921, and the last convenient date?

The number of State-assisted houses completed between 1st January, 1921, and 30th September, 1930, was 949,451.

asked the Minister of Health if he will give the number of houses finished under the various Housing Acts each quarter since June 1929; and the number of houses during the Game period erected without State assistance?

The following statement gives the desired particulars so far as State assisted houses in England and Wales are concerned:quantity and value of steel ingots and castings imported into the United Kingdom ports during the month of September; and during the same period what was the quantity of pig iron imported and how much of this came from India?

The total imports of steel ingots and castings into Great Britain and Northern Ireland registered during the month of September, 1930, amounted to 4,793 tons of a declared value of £49,477. The total imports of pig iron (including ferro-alloys) registered during this period amounted to 30,484 tons, of which 15,531 tons were consigned from British India.