asked the Secretary of State for India how many British persons in the Indian Government or Civil Service in India and in this country are drawing salaries of more than 1,000 rupees (about £66) a month?
In order to supply the information for which my hon. Friend asks, it would be necessary for particulars of the individual salaries of about 6,000 officers to be examined with a view to separating British from Indian officers serving on common cadres and to eliminating on the one hand junior officers serving on time-scales of pay who have not yet passed the Rs.1,000 per mensem stage and to including on the other such of these and other officers normally in receipt of a lower rate of pay as are, by reason of holding acting appointments, temporarily receiving more than Rs.1,000 per mensem. In these circumstances, I hope my hon. Friend will agree with my view that the advantage to be gained from the information he seeks would not be commensurate with the labour involved in obtaining it.