May I ask the Prime Minister a Question of which I have given Private Notice, whether he is now in a position to make any statement on the Constitutional position?
The right hon. Gentleman was good enough to send me notice in the Cabinet, where I was presiding, that he was going to ask that Question. I regret to say that at the moment I have nothing to add to what I said yesterday, while being just as alive to what was asked me yesterday as to the urgency of some decision being made known at the earliest possible moment.
May I repeat the question which I asked yesterday, and aks my right hon. Friend whether he can give an assurance that no irrevocable step will be taken before a statement is made to the House?
I have nothing to add now to what I said yesterday.
Can the Prime Minister say whether he hopes to be able to make a statement later in the sitting of the House to-day, as it is very desirable that a statement should be made, as he says, at the earliest possible moment?
No. Sir, I am afraid that I cannot add anything to what I have said.
Can the Prime Minister give the House any indication when we are likely to have a statement from him? Will it be on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday? Everybody is anxious to have something definite.
I recognise that anxiety, but I regret that I can say nothing more at the moment.