asked the President of the Board of Education the nature of the experiments now being made to render more palatable the consumption of fresh milk by children who do not care for it in its raw state?
So far as I am aware no experiments of this kind are now being made, but we are considering the whole question in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Milk Marketing Board and the National Milk Publicity Council. The practical difficulties are, however, substantial, and an experiment conducted last year in Ayrshire by the Hannah Dairy Research Institute in co-operation with the Scottish Milk Marketing Board produced rather disappointing results.
Can I have my hon. Friend's assurance, on behalf of the children referred to in this question, that the Department will continue to experiment and to endeavour to allay the opposition on the part of the Milk Marketing Board to this scheme?
That, clearly, is a matter for further consideration by ourselves and the other authorities.
Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that by going to any of the local milk bars it is possible to find out 253 ways of utilising milk to make it more palatable?
I dare say that is right.