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Civil Estimates, 1939

Volume 350: debated on Tuesday 1 August 1939

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Class I

8. "That a sum, not exceeding £1,953,723, be granted to His Majesty, to complete the sum necessary to defray the charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1940, for Expenditure in respect of the Services included in Class I of the Civil Estimates, namely:

1.House of Lords Offices29,857
2.House of Commons313,309
3.Registration of Electors200,000
4.Treasury and Subordinate Departments276,614
5.Privy Council Office10,358
7.Charity Commission26,267
8.Civil Service Commission7,835
9.Exchequer and Audit Department96,231
10.Friendly Societies' Deficiency 4,888
11.Government Actuary 20,575
12.Government Chemist57,313
13.Government Hospitality5,000
14.Import Duties Advisory Committee 42,190
15.The Mint 90
16.National Debt Office2,751
17.National Savings Committee74,909
18.Public Record Office27,836
19.Public Works Loan Commission90
20.Repayments to the Local Loans Fund28,567
21.Royal Commissions, etc.25,000
22.Miscellaneous Expenses32,510
23.Secret Service (including a Supplementary sum of £200,000)500,000
24.Treasury Chest Fund10,382
25.Tithe Redemption Commission90
26.Scottish Office 153,081
27.Repayments to the Civil Contingencies Fund 7,980


9. "That a sum, not exceeding £11,958,557, be granted to His Majesty, to complete the sum necessary to defray the charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1940, for Expenditure in respect of the Services included in Class II of the Civil Estimates, namely:

2.Diplomatic and Consular Services (including a Supplementary sum of £326,510) 1,221,772
3.League of Nations64,000
4.Dominions Office34,558
5.Dominion Services637,390
6.Oversea Settlement62,360
7.Colonial Office 122,923
8.Colonial and Middle Eastern Services (including a Supplementary sum of £2,198,000)4,597,487
9.Colonial Development Fund500,000
10.India and Burma Services4,113,558
11.Imperial War Graves Commission604,509

Class Iii

10. "That a sum, not exceeding £12,981,452, be granted to His Majesty, to complete the sum necessary to defray the charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1940, for expenditure in respect of the Services included in Class III of the Civil Estimates, namely:

1.Home Office (including a Supplementary sum of £40,000) 762,561
1A.Czecho-Slovak Refugee Trust Fund 2,500,000
3.Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum51,892
4.Police, England and Wales 6,502,065
5.Prisons, England and Wales 739,699
6.Approved Schools, etc., England and Wales454,500
7.Supreme Court of Judicature, etc.,90
8.County Courts 90
9.Land Registry90
10.Public Trustee 90
11.Law Charges99,987
12.Miscellaneous Legal Expenses 14,255
13.Police 986,482
14.Prisons Department186,978
15.Approved Schools, etc45,475
16.Scottish Land Court 4,729
17.Law Charges and Courts of Law 28,297
18.Register House, Edinburgh 90
19.Northern Ireland Services 1,650

20.Supreme Court of Judicature, etc., Northern Ireland2,795
21.Irish Land Purchase Services 599,637
£12,981,452 "

Class Iv

11. "That a sum, not exceeding £43.451,653, be granted to His Majesty, to complete the sum necessary to defray the charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1940, for expenditure in respect of the Services included in Class IV of the Civil Estimates, namely:

1.Board of Education33,742,026
2.British Museum105,743
3.British Museum (Natural History)75,460
4.Imperial War Museum 8,310
5.London Museum3,980
6.National Gallery19,330
7.National Maritime Museum8,575
8.National Portrait Gallery6,808
9.Wallace Collection7,336
10.Scientific Investigation, etc 209,008
11.Universities and Colleges, Great Britain1,366,000
13.Public Education4,874,045
14.National Galleries7,045
15.National Library2,987
£43,451,653 "

Class V

12. "That a sum, not exceeding £116,604,278, be granted to His Majesty, to complete the sum necessary to defray the charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1940, for Expenditure in respect of the Services included in Class V of the Civil Estimates, namely:—

1.Ministry of Health (including a Supplementary sum of £946,000) 18,181,789
2.Board of Control101,878
3.Registrar General's Office 65,194
4.National Insurance Audit Department 109,300
5.Friendly Societies Registry32,270
6.Old Age Pensions31,817,000
7.Widows', Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Pensions13,950,000
8.Ministry of Labour (including a Supplementary sum of £250,000) 14,764,000
9.Grants in respect of Employment Schemes2,280,000

10.Commissioner for Special Areas (England and Wales) 90
11.Unemployment Assistance Board 29,430,000
12.Special Areas Fund 2,750,000
13.Financial Assistance in Special and other Areas...366,124
14.Department of Health (including a Supplementary sum of £128,000)2,730,227
15.Board of Control12,450
16Registrar General's Office13,866
17.Commissioner for Special Areas 90
£116,604,278 "

Class Vi

13. "That a sum, not exceeding £42,142,470, be granted to His Majesty, to complete the sum necessary to defray the charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1940, for expenditure in respect of the Services included in Class VI of the Civil Estimates, namely:

1.Board of Trade 228,324
2Mercantile Marine Services297,382
3.Essential Commodities Reserves Fund1,500,000
4.Department of Overseas Trade 434,754
5.Export Credits 90
6.Mines Department of the Board of Trade151,896
7.Office of Commissioners of Crown Lands23,694
8.Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (including a Supplementary sum of,£125,450) 2,421,061
9.Beet Sugar Subsidy, Great Britain2,985,000
10.Milk (England and Wales) (including a Supplementary sum of £2,654,000)2,792,010
11.Livestock Industry and Cattle Fund (including a Supplementary sum of £573,900)3,526,400
12.Land Fertility Improvement 939,900
13.Oats and Barley Subsidy (England and Wales and Northern Ireland) (including a Supplementary sum of £2,144,500) 2,144,600
13A.Barley Subsidy Fund400,000
14.Bacon Industry 250,010
14B.Ploughing up Grassland (England and Wales and Northern Ireland)700,000
15.Surveys of Great Britain274,165

16.Forestry Commission (including a Supplementary sum of £100,000)534,000
17.Ministry of Transport 142,997
18.Roads, etc19,000,000
19.Development Fund430,000
20.Development Grants 568,130
21.Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 496,983
22.State Management Districts 90
23.Clearing Offices 90
24.Department of Agriculture (including a Supplementary sum of £6,500) 486,632
25.Milk (including a Supplementary sum of £352,100) 382,000
26.Oats and Barley Subsidy (including a Supplementary sum of £850,000)850,100
26A.Ploughing up Grassland60,000
27.Fishery Board 72,612
28.Herring Industry49,450
29.Ministry of Supply100

Class Vii

14. "That a sum, not exceeding £8,483,704, be granted to His Majesty, to complete the sum necessary to defray the charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1940, for Expenditure in respect of the Services included in Class VII of the Civil Estimates, namely:

1.Art and Science Buildings, Great Britain 271,680
2.Houses of Parliament Buildings98,615
3.Labour and Health Buildings, Great Britain300,380
4.Miscellaneous Legal Buildings, Great Britain92,920
5.Osborne 8,590
6.Office of Works and Public Buildings374,600
7.Public Buildings, Great Britain (including a Supplementary sum of £50,675) 2,103,301
7A.Jellicoe and Beatty Memorials 20,350
8.Public Buildings Overseas131,100
9.Royal Palaces 92,770
10.Revenue Buildings1,364,255
11.Royal Parks and Pleasure Gardens153,380
12.Rates on Government Property1,479,223

13.Stationery and Printing 1,936,020
14.Peterhead Harbour21,000
15.Works and Buildings in Ireland35,520
£8,483,704 "

Class Viii

15. "That a sum, not exceeding £25,512,185, be granted to His Majesty, to complete the sum necessary to defray the charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1940, for Expenditure in respect of the Services included in Class VIII of the Civil Estimates, namely:

1.Merchant Seamen's War Pensions 168,251
2.Ministry of Pensions 23,377,000
3.Royal Irish Constabulary Pensions, etc.779,136
4.Superannuation and Retired Allowances1,187,798
£25,512,185 "

Class Ix

16. "That a sum, not exceeding£33,820,000, be granted to His Majesty, to complete the sum necessary to defray the charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1940, for Expenditure in respect of the services included in Class IX of the Civil Estimates, namely:

1.Exchequer Contributions to Local Revenues, England and Wales.29,202,000
2.Exchequer Contributions to Local Revenues, Scotland 4,618,000
£33,820,000 "