asked the Minister of Transport whether be has any further statement to make concerning the issue of workmen's tickets after the sounding of the all-clear signal?
Yes, Sir. I arranged for this question to be discussed between the Railway Executive Committee and the Trades Union Congress, with the result that it has been arranged to try the following plan: — An interval of 30 minutes will be given from the sounding of the "Ail-Clear." If during this period an applicant for a workman's ticket arrives at a station and takes his place in the queue waiting access to the booking office, a workman's ticket will be issued to him. The interval of 30 minutes will be reasonably applied and discretion will be given to extend it as necessary in particular cases under exceptional circumstances.
Will that decision apply to the Tubes?
Yes, it applies to the whole concern.
And to the tramways and trolley-buses?
I should like to have notice of that question.