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Civil Defence

Volume 351: debated on Thursday 21 September 1939

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asked the Minister of Health whether he will arrange for a further opportunity in the near future to register for evacuation to be given to mothers with young children, expectant mothers, cripples and blind persons?

In a circular letter of 8th September, of which I am sending my hon. Friend a copy, I informed the local authorities that it was desirable that parents of school children resident in evacuating areas who did not take advantage of the Government scheme should be granted a further opportunity to register their children, in the event of any further movement being found possible. This further registration is limited to children of school age who would be evacuated without their parents, and it has now been carried out in most of the evacuation areas. The further evacuation of members of the priority groups other than unaccompanied school children will have to receive careful consideration in the light of experience.

Would my right hon. Friend be good enough to bear in mind that in the areas which have not priority there is very little time for publicity before the evacuation?

Can the Minister do something to assist the helpless young men and women in the various localities to get away?

Will the right hon. Gentleman see, before there is any further evacuation of expectant mothers, cripples and blind persons, that hostel arrangements are made in the reception areas?

Any evacuation of other priority groups than school children will have to receive very careful consideration.


asked the Minister of Health whether, in view of the financial difficulties mothers with young children are experiencing owing to their having to provide food for themselves and their children at their own expense, he can inform the House how he proposes that these difficulties shall be met?

Mothers evacuated with young children whose husbands cannot supply them with sufficient money to provide for them and their children in the receiving areas should apply to the local office of the Ministry of Labour for an allowance under the Government scheme for the prevention and relief of distress.

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that mothers who applied for this relief as wives of unemployed men were told that they must live within the allowance paid to their husbands and that he must send money to them; and that the husband who sends money in that way is unable to maintain the home?

I will consider the specific instances brought to my notice by the hon. Lady.

I am grateful to the right hon. Gentleman for promising to look into the matter, but I would point out that this is not a specific but a very general case, which is worrying many wives.

It is much easier to determine a matter of this kind upon specific instances.

Cannot the Unemployment Assistance Board give wives an amount over and above what the husbands get in their ordinary places of location?

The local office of the Ministry of Labour can ensure that the person in question is not in distress, and a final arrangement between the area in which the husband may be situated and that of the wife would have to be the subject of further consideration. It is for the local areas of the Ministry of Labour to see that the wife is not in distress.

Local Authorities (Finance And Rating)

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asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) whether, in view of the difficulties local authorities are experiencing in meeting the expenditure incurred under the Civil Defence Acts of 1937 and 1938 since the declaration of war, he will now consider making this expenditure for National Service a charge upon the State;

(2) whether, in view of the large amount of work undertaken by the local authorities under the Civil Defence Acts, 1937 and 1939, during the course of the present municipal financial year, which is much in excess of the estimated financial provisions made at the commencement of the rate period, and in view also of the fact that local authorities are bearing considerably increased financial burdens because of the war, whilst their income to meet normal duties will be seriously reduced as a consequence of the evacuation of the population and of business firms to other areas, he will consider whether some immediate form of relief can be given to such local authorities by way of financial assistance?

:would refer the hon. Member to the reply given yesterday to the hon. Member for the Stoke Division of Stoke-on-Trent (Mr. E. Smith). As stated in that reply, I am in consultation with local authorities on the general question of financing Civil Defence expenditure in war.

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the borough council of Southwark has spent in one week the equivalent of a 2d. rate in this direction, and will he expedite his inquiries?

It is not a question of making inquiries. A comprehensive memorandum was prepared some time ago and is now in the hands of the association of local authorities. I am ready at any moment to consider any representations they may make.

Is not one way of reducing the expenditure of local authorities, and that of the nation as well, to control drastically the present demands on local authorities for A.R.P. work in safe areas?

That is a different question altogether. The organisation of Civil Defence has been very carefully adjusted to take account of differences between one area and another. I venture to utter just a word of warning in regard to the risk of basing conclusions on the experience or lack of experience so far.



asked the Home Secretary whether he will arrange that payments made in connection with Civil Defence will be at such convenient periods as to ensure that no hardship will be involved to those undertaking Civil Defence duties?

The responsibility in this matter rests with the local authorities and I have no doubt that they will arrange for payments to be made regularly and promptly, though at the outset some delays may have occurred in particular places.


asked the Home Secretary the estimated annual cost of the salaries and wages of the various personnel which has been recruited in connection with civilian defence, whether employed by local authorities or directly under his Department?

The annual cost of the staff now employed under my Department on Civil Defence duties is estimated at approximately ÂŁ1,000,000. As regards the personnel engaged by local authorities, the major part of the expenditure will be attributable to the wages of whole-time volunteers. Local authorities have been asked to furnish particulars of the numbers of persons at present on their pay roll. Until these particulars are available it is not possible to give a reliable estimate of the cost involved.

Will my right hon. Friend publish the figures when they are received from the local authorities?

If a question is put down in due course I shall endeavour to answer it.

Air-Raid Precautions


asked the Home Secretary whether he has considered the representations from the Jarrow, Heb-burn and Felling councils regarding the difficulties of providing people with air-raid protection under the present financial arrangements; and whether he will give special consideration, in view of the lack of protection in this vulnerable area?

The only representations which have reached me are those recently made by the hon. Lady herself, and the position as represented by her is being investigated as a matter of special. urgency.

While expressing my gratitude to the Minister for his courtesy to myself may I ask whether he has not received resolutions passed by those two councils?

Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that we made representations from the borough council of Wall-send and that we had a very quick answer, although we are still lacking a great many of the things that are necessary?

Auxiliary Fire Service


asked the Home Secretary when he anticipates that a sufficient supply of bedding and blankets will be available for the Auxiliary Fire Service; whether he intends to rely largely on gifts of these articles from householders; and whether, in view of the approach of winter, some grant will be made to those who bring their own bedding and blankets, which in many cases have had to be purchased owing to nothing having been provided by the authorities other than a garage floor?

The provision of bedding and blankets for the use of those members of the Auxiliary Fire Service whose duties require them to sleep away from their homes is the responsibility of the local fire authorities, and the cost ranks for Exchequer grant. In one or two instances I understand that, shortly after the Auxiliary Fire Service was mobilised, requests were made for assistance in meeting immediate requirements, but I am not aware that there is now any special difficulty in obtaining the necessary supplies.

Is my right hon. Friend aware of the very great shortage of mattresses, and that the only blankets we have are the curtains that have been cut down?

I shall be glad to look into the difficulties which exist in any area, but my information is that supplies from contractors are now coming for ward very satisfactorily.

Voluntary Help


asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that in the Civil Defence Services qualified volunteer help is being discouraged in favour of paid service, thus largely increasing the public expenditure and discouraging patriotic offers of service; and whether he will take action to prevent this?

I have no reason to believe that the practice described by my hon. Friend is at all prevalent; but, if he will send me detailed particulars of any cases that have come to his notice, I shall be glad to make inquiries and to take immediate action where the circumstances warrant it.

Motor Vehicles (Requisitioning)


asked the Home Secretary whether any steps are being taken to put the requisition of motor vehicles on to a more efficient and fairer basis, and to remedy the many unnecessary cases of hardship which have been created?

I have been asked to reply. Vehicles for the purposes of Civil Defence have been for the most part secured by voluntary arrangements made in peace-time, and recorded with the traffic commissioners. Requisitioning has been resorted to only where such arrangements could not be made. In either case, care has been taken to avoid hardship so far as possible. If my hon. Friend has any particular case in mind where requisitioning has been made on what appears to be an unfair basis, I shall be glad to look into it if he will give me the necessary particulars. Any question regarding the impressment of vehicles for the armed forces should be addressed to the appropriate Minister.

Does the right hon. Gentleman not realise the heavy burden which has been thrown on to the Ministry of Transport through its policy of choking road transport? There would have been 500,000 more vehicles if the Ministry had not choked road transport for the benefit of the railways.

Maternity And Child Welfare (Cheap Milk)


asked the Minister of Health whether he is prepared to put into operation immediately the scheme for the provision of cheap milk for mothers and young children on the same basis as the milk-in-schools scheme, so as to ensure that the cheap milk will be available on application to any expectant and nursing mother and pre-school child?

The scheme for this purpose which was made by the Milk Marketing Board and approved by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries came into operation on 31st July. I have received proposals under the scheme from a number of welfare authorities and these are at present being examined by my Department in consultation with the Milk Marketing Board and I hope it will be possible to put them into operation at an early date.

Will the right hon. Gentleman try to expedite the operation of this scheme, particularly in the reception areas?

Yes, Sir; I am very anxious that it should be brought into operation as early as possible.

Is the Minister aware that owing to the higher cost of living in many reception areas poor expectant mothers are denied the necessary amount of milk?

That is all the more reason for trying to get these arrangements completed.

Is not the higher price of milk due to the machinations of the Milk Board?

Nursing Services


asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that women offering to enrol for training as nurses are being informed that no more women can be accepted for training as nurses or assistant nurses; whether such information is being given by his authority, and whether he is satisfied that there is no further need for the training of nurses and assistant nurses?

No such instruction is being given by my authority. It is possible that some temporary dislocation was feared at the outbreak of war, but I am informed that the General Nursing Council have taken all necessary steps to enable training to continue without interruption.

Will the right hon. Gentleman take the necessary steps to ensure that this information is made available to all those who may require nurses, as I do not think that any such information has been given?


asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that experienced trained nurses and nursing sisters" have been invited to volunteer for National Service in London, and on appointment by borough councils have been paid ÂŁ2 a week, the salary of first-aid workers; and whether a different scale of salaries can be established for trained nurses?

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for Blackburn (Captain Elliston) on 28th July. The standard rate of ÂŁ90 a year for a trained nurse, plus board, lodging and laundry, is applicable to a nurse employed by the borough council at a first-aid post, under conditions laid down in a recent circular, a copy of which I will send to the hon. Member.

Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that in certain areas in London nurses are being paid a flat rate of ÂŁ2 without any allowances whatever; and if I bring him cases will he look into them?

Rents (Private Schools)


asked the Minister of Health whether any arrangements are to be made for partial remittance of London rents to those who, in order to maintain schools or colleges for young persons or adolescents, have been forced to find country accommodation?

I assume that my hon. Friend has in mind schools and colleges which are not supported out of public funds. It would not be possible for me to make arrangements for the remission of rents to owners of schools, which did not also apply to other classes of tenants. On the general question, I would refer to the answer given by my right hon. Friend the Attorney-General to the Member for Don Valley (Mr. T. Williams) yesterday.

Vaccination (Exemption Attestations)


asked the Minister of Health whether, in view of the special circumstances now prevailing, he will authorise a modification of the regulations governing attestations relating to vaccination exemptions, to enable such attestations to be taken by post and from either parent?

Amending legislation would be required to give effect to the hon. Member's suggestions, and I do not consider it necessary to propose such legislation at present.

Is it the intention of the Department to carry on with the prosecutions as usual?

Defence Regulations


asked the Home Secretary whether he has delegated any of his functions under Section 39e (2) of the Defence Regulations, 1939, to any mayor, justice of the peace, or chief officer of police; and, if so, to what extent and subject to what restrictions, and to what officials he has made such delegation?

The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. The second part does not, therefore, arise.

Would the right hon. Gentleman bear in mind, if he does make this. delegation, the desirability of making it in some public form?

Aliens (Registration)


asked the Home Secretary whether he will consider the advisability of withdrawing the description enemy aliens now placed on every registration card of Austrian and other refugees, in view of the fact that nearly all these persons are friendly aliens, and the victims of aggression?

I am in sympathy with the hon. Member's suggestion. Under the Aliens Order, nationals of a state with which this country is at war are subject to certain provisions which are not applicable to aliens of other nationalities. These provisions are explained in two printed slips, of which one is attached to the registration certificate of Germans and Austrians and the other to the certificates of other aliens. I find that, in order to prevent mistakes in the use of the two prints, there were added at the foot of the first print the words "Enemy alien." All these cases are, however, to be reviewed by the tribunals which I am appointing, and wherever the tribunal decides that a German or Austrian can be relieved from the special restrictions applicable to enemy aliens, this slip will be cancelled and a more appropriate endorsement stamped on the certificate.

When does the right hon. Gentleman expect the aliens tribunals to be in operation?

About 1oo appointments have been made. Instructions have been drafted and I hope that all necessary arrangements to enable the tribunals to begin sitting will be completed within the next 10 days.

Does the answer which the right hon. Gentleman has just given and for which we are very grateful mean that Austrians will in future be treated in approximately the same way as the Czechs?

That point is covered in the general answer which I made when I explained rather carefully about the various categories.

Licensed Trade (Restrictions)

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asked the Home Secretary (1) whether the Government are considering a return to the wartime restrictions on the sale and supply of alcoholic beverages as a measure of national safety; and whether any step will be taken to discourage public advertisement designed to increase the sale of intoxicants for the duration of the war;

(2)whether the Government contemplate the reinstitution of the no-treating order for the protection of men and women on duty in the Defence services against hospitality by the public, and for the greater efficiency and safety of the services?

The existing restrictions on the sale of intoxicating liquor which are contained in the Licensing Act, 1921, are similar to the restrictions which were imposed in the last war. As regards treating and the other matters to which the Noble Lady refers, I am, as I said on Friday last, watching the situation carefully, but as yet I have no information to indicate that special measures are needed to check the consumption of alcohol.

If I brought my right hon. Friend cases not from one, but from all areas, particularly areas where young. soldiers are being treated, would he consider the matter? Were not the hours for the sale of alcohol quite different in the last war from what they are now, and was not that not on account of drunkenness, but mainly on account of output?

I will certainly consider any information with which the Noble Lady can furnish me, but we have to recognise that the public are at present subject to many restrictions, and we should be sure of our ground before we act. As regards the second part of the question, it is quite true that the hours fixed under the Defence of the Realm Regulations during the last war were somewhat shorter than those in the Licensing Act, but those hours were very much shorter than the normal hours previously enforced. I do not think any case has yet been made out.

It is no good my trying to get through questions if hon. Members will insist upon asking supplementaries.

It is only one supplementary. I must insist on asking this supplementary.

I really must ask this supplementary. It is only one question, and I will not be ruled out. Is it not inconsistent with the rights of private Members that any Member should be closed down like this on a question that affects the liberties of the individual?

The hon. and learned Member, like others, must realise that we cannot allow too many supplementary questions.

On a point of Order. May I ask, Mr. Speaker, whether the difficulty that has just arisen does not indicate the desirability of giving consideration to a Motion which I put on the Paper, requesting that the number of supplementaries that could be asked should be evened out to some extent by not allowing six on one question and only one on another?

Further to that point of Order. Would it not be better for the Noble Lady to take the hon. and learned Gentleman out and treat him?

Capital (Valuation)


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will take steps to ascertain the present value of the capital owned by individuals liable to Income Tax?

I would ask my hon. Friend to await any statement I may have to make when opening my Emergency Budget.

May I have the assurance of my right hon. Friend that this matter of the taxation of the growth of capital during the war will receive careful consideration and that we shall have a considered statement on the matter in due course?

I believe my hon. Friend will appreciate that my answer showed that we have the matter under consideration.

Does the right hon. Gentleman not realise that capital goes up and down from day to day and hour to hour, and that there is no possibility of making a satisfactory calculation?

Income Tax (Workers)


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in view of the considerable distances many persons have to travel in connection with their war work, he will consider more generous Income Tax allowances for travelling expenses to and from work; and whether, in view of the heavy expenditure on tools necessitated for men who resume work after long periods of unemployment, he will consider increasing the flat-rate allowance for tools?

I do not see my way to propose an extension of the deductions already permitted. With regard to the second part of the hon. Member's question, the flat-rate allowances to which he refers are allowances agreed between the Board of Inland Revenue and the respective trade unions, as covering the average annual expenses of the workers concerned. The existence of a flat rate allowance does not, of course, debar any worker who may have incurred special expenditure on tools after a period of unemployment from claiming a deduction by reference to his actual expenditure, and any such claim would be considered on its merits. If the hon. Member has any particular cases in mind, I should be glad to cause inquiry to be made into them if he will send me the necessary details.

Would the Minister give further consideration to this question of travelling expenses, which very often constitute in a period such as this an exceptionally heavy burden on workers who are forced to travel very long distances to carry on their work?

Bank For International Settlements


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he proposes to allow the Bank of England to continue to collaborate with the Bank for International Settlements, in view of the passing of the Trading with the Enemy Act?

The Bank of England are acting, and have from the outbreak of the war been acting, in close collaboration with the Treasury to ensure that no infringement of the Trading with the Enemy provisions shall arise.

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether the Bank of England are still collaborating with the Bank for International Settlements, as I put it in the question?

I think the point of the hon. Gentleman's question, and a very natural one, was that he wanted to be assured that the Trading with the Enemy Act was being strictly observed.

Will the right hon. Gentleman be good enough to answer the question whether the Bank of England are continuing to collaborate with the Bank for International Settlements?

There can be no possible trading under the terms of Trading with the Enemy Act merely in the fact that the Bank of England and a Swiss bank are in communication. What is necessary is to be sure that none of these communications or transactions in the least involves any trading with the enemy.

Is it not time that the Bank for International Settlements was wound up?

Can the right hon. Gentleman give an assurance that there cannot happen in present circumstances the kind of trading with the enemy whereby millions of pounds were handed from the Czech State to the Nazi Government?

The point of the question —without any question of what has happened in the past—was whether any question of trading with the enemy could arise.

Does it mean that the Chairman of the Bank of England and other representatives of the Bank of England will be meeting German Ministers at Basle on the business of the Bank for International Settlements?

Are we to understand that members of the German Government are still members of this International Bank, and, therefore, will it be possible for our representatives to meet these German representatives at Basle if they should go there?


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will consider the advisability of reclaiming from the Bank for International Settlements the Treasury's Trust Account Deposit which has been re-invested in Germany, in view of the fact that, by virtue of The Hague Agreement of 1930 and the Brussels Protocol of 1936, Germany has undertaken not to place any restrictions upon the bank assets even in time of war?

I stated the position of this matter very fully in answer to questions on 1st August last, and after full consideration I cannot add anything to that reply.

In view of the fact that the German Government has given an undertaking to pay over this money, and that to refuse to do so would involve a breach of two international agreements freely entered into, will not the Chancellor of the Exchequer—and is not it his duty to do so—make an attempt to obtain this money for the British Government?

As I assured the hon. Gentleman before, this matter has been most carefully looked into. The action which has been taken undoubtedly is the best action to take, and, I may add, after fully exploring it, it is quite plain that our action and the French action in the matter are exactly the same.

I do not think I could do that in answer to a supplementary question. It is an extremely complicated matter.

War Risks Insurance


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention has been drawn to advertisements in the Press by companies offering to insure real properly against damage arising from enemy action; and whether he has made or will make inquiries as to the financial resources of these companies?

My attention has been drawn to the cases referred to in my hon. Friend's question, and I would refer him to the reply given on this subject to the hon. Member for East Ham South (Mr. Barnes) on 27th July last by my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade.

Does not the promotion of enterprises of this kind make even more urgent the need for a national scheme of property insurance; and can my right hon. Friend say when the Government expect to receive the report of the committee they have appointed to consider this matter?

Yes, Sir, I think it has already been stated—at any rate it is the fact—that Lord Weir's Committee, in view of the present situation, is hastening its report as much as possible, and we expect to receive it very shortly.

Does not the right hon. Gentleman think that, in view of the attractive nature of these advertisements and the liability of many lower-middle class and working class people responding, it is the responsibility of the Treasury to give some advice to householders in this matter?

I am not sure on what department that responsibility rests, but I do not mind about that. The statement which was made by my colleague the President of the Board of Trade was that he advised all who are invited to insure their property in this way to consider whether an undue proportion of contributions may not be appropriated to management expenses, and also to consider the severe limitation which events may impose on the amounts which may be available for compensation in individual cases. I think that the right hon. Gentleman will agree that is a warning which could hardly be more specific.

Will not the right hon. Gentleman warn these people that they may be merely sharepushers and that they may lose all their money; and does he not realise that po5r people have not the intelligence to examine these things?

Civil Administration (Expenditure)


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in view of the preparations for a war of three years' duration, he will take steps immediately to introduce economies in the civil administration corresponding to those made in 1931?

My hon. Friend will appreciate that the particular economies put into effect in 1931 were related to the circumstances then obtaining and would not necessarily be appropriate or practicable at the present time. I welcome this opportunity, however, of making it clear that His Majesty's Government fully realise the imperative necessity of husbanding the financial resources of the country so as to make them available to the utmost for the successful prosecution of the war. Action has already been taken to review expenditure on a number of important services and I propose to supplement this action by instructing all departments to undertake a careful examination of every item of expenditure, whether in the sphere of policy or ad-ministration, with a view to securing the maximum possible economy. As I have previously suggested, I trust that I may have the co-operation of the House in resisting demands for the expansion of expenditure on any services which cannot be regarded in present circumstances as absolutely vital in the national interest.

Has my right hon. Friend any special measures in view to propose to this House by which the Members of this House can help and assist in preventing the waste in public expenditure?

The matter is so important that suggestions of any kind are being very carefully examined, and I can assure my hon. Friend that that suggestion is one of them.

Will the right hon. Gentleman see to it that the poor are not deprived of any necessities while the wealthy are enabled to enjoy luxuries?

Czech Aliens (Blocked Bank Accounts)


asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he will now issue instructions for the release of the blocked bank accounts of those friendly Czech aliens who have escaped here, have funds here, and wish to use that money of their own?

The matter referred to by the right hon. and gallant Member is under active consideration, and perhaps he will be so good as to repeat his question in a week's time.