asked the Minister of Pensions the nature of the organisation for dealing with pension claims and the intended composition of any committees which may be set up for this purpose?
The organisation for dealing with pension claims consists of a central Department for the award and payment of pensions, with an office in each Region for the receipt of claims and for any necessary local investigation. The central Department is being, and will be, expanded as necessary, and local offices will be expanded or additional offices will be opened according to local requirements. It is hoped that the existing local War Pensions Committees will perform the same functions on behalf of disabled members of the Services and the dependants of those killed as they are at present performing in Great War cases.
Is it a fact that many of these committees are many years old and will the hon. Gentleman take steps to review the personnel and make it thoroughly representative?
I have met a number of the chairmen of war pensions committees who have agreed to call their members together, and, if necessary, add other people to the committees. I shall certainly see to it that these committees do function.