asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether, in view of the prospect of the war continuing for years, his Department will immediately consider the taking over of large houses and other suitable premises presently unoccupied, and equipping and staffing them as institutions for housing and educating children thereby relieving householders from bearing their present burdens for any prolonged period?
I have already indicated to local authorities in receiving areas that I shall be glad to consider any proposals which they may make for housing evacuated persons in large empty houses or other suitable premises. I would, however, remind my hon. and gallant Friend that it would not be possible to provide accommodation for more than a relatively small proportion of the evacuated persons in this way, both on account of the limited number of large houses available and on account of the difficulty of securing adequate numbers of suitable persons to staff large boarding establishments for children.
Will the right hon. Gentleman especially consider making houses available, not for children but for adults, and especially for mothers evacuated in the countryside?
Yes, Sir. We are taking that matter into account. The question refers to Scotland, and I can deal in my answer only with that area.