asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) whether he is aware that unless a definite decision is arrived at in the immediate future in regard to the maintenance of adequate protection for the British film industry during the war period, valuable technicians who have been trained over a period of years will have to be dispersed, and will no longer be available; and whether, in these circumstances, he can take any remedial action in the matter;(2) whether he is aware that, as a result of the prevailing uncertainty in the production side of the British film industry as to his intention for its future protection from foreign competition, the making of films in British studios has virtually ceased; and whether, in view of the fact that the financial burdens upon this industry are such that it will have to close down in the near future unless some drastic change can be made, he will undertake to make a definite statement on the subject within the next fortnight?
I have already given an assurance to the British film producers that any necessary changes in the present Acts will only be made after further consultation with them and that there will be no avoidable delay in reaching a decision. I should hope to be able to make a definite statement within the next fortnight but there are various interests to be considered and I cannot promise to do so. In the meantime, as I pointed out to my hon. Friend on the 26th September, the Act of 1938 is still in force.