Bbc Foreign Broadcasts
asked the Minister of Information whether the foreign broadcasts of the British Broadcasting Corporation are subject to censorship; and whether he is satisfied with the adequacy of the present machinery to ensure that nothing shall be included in these broadcasts which would provide information of value to the enemy?
The British Broadcasting Corporation is subject in its foreign broadcasts to the normal censorship requirements applying also to the Press. As to the second part of the Question, all machinery is frequently under review and on the whole it operates satisfactorily.
False News Dissemination
asked the Minister of Information what is the present machinery by which his Department issues to the Press, on behalf of the Defence and other Government Departments, comments, corrections, or denials with regard to untrue statements circulated by enemy propagandists or misinformed neutral journalists; whether he is satisfied with the adequacy of this machinery to enable him to deal readily and fully with situations such as that recently arising with regard to military operations in Norway; and, if not, what steps he proposes to take to remedy the position?
Comments, corrections and denials with regard to untrue statements are made in official communiqués, in information suppled to the Press on inquiry, or at Press Conferences, and in broadcast news bulletins and talks. There is a special section of the Ministry whose duty it is to watch for false statements put about by the enemy or otherwise and to supply the true facts at any hour of the day or night. We realise how very important these arrangements are.
Could the right hon. Gentleman arrange that these denials should be made more quickly, and that if possible our denials should follow immediately on the radio broadcasts from Germany announcing totally misleading statements?
Yes, Sir. I will try to have that done.