asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that parcels sent from Canada to Canadian airmen in this country rarely arrive at their destination, while letters posted at the same time are delivered; and will he take steps to abolish the contents label attached to parcels and so make it more difficult for thieves?
Mails from Canada containing parcels for Canadian Air Force personnel serving in the United Kingdom are received in sealed bags by the British Post Office which, without opening them, transfers them to the Canadian Army Post Office in this country. The Canadian Army Post Office re-forwards the parcels in sealed bags to the units to which the addressees are attached. The responsibility of my Department is thus limited, but if the hon. Member will furnish me with particulars of any losses he has in mind, I shall be glad to have inquiry made in concert with the authorities concerned. The contents labels are required for Customs purposes by both the despatching and the receiving administrations and I have no power to authorise their abolition.