asked the President of the Board of Trade for what reason there is incorporated in Article 3 of the Miscellaneous Goods (Prohibition of Manufacture and Supply) (No. 3) Order (Statutory Rules and Orders No. 149 of 1943), dated 30th January, 1943, powers of information and inspection identical with those in the Board of Trade (Information and Inspection) Order, 1943 (Statutory Rules and Orders No. 102 of 1943), dated 21st January, 1943?
The Miscellaneous Goods (Prohibition of Manufacture and Supply) (No. 3) Order, 1943, re-enacts, with certain modifications, the Miscellaneous Goods (Prohibition of Manufacture and Supply) Order, 1942. To omit the provisions referred to by my hon. Friend might have misled traders who were not aware of the Board of Trade (Information and Inspection) Order, 1943.