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Empire Wine (Trade Description)

Volume 387: debated on Wednesday 10 March 1943

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asked the President of the Board of Trade why the name "port" cannot be used for wine produced in our Empire which now has to be labelled "Of port type"; and whether he will readjust this to encourage the Empire wine industry?

The application of the description "port" is restricted to wine produced in Portugal by the Anglo-Portuguese Commercial Treaty Acts of 1914 and 1916. These Acts were passed to implement the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 1914. Their repeal would involve denunciation of the Treaty.

Number of persons killed and seriously injured at mines under the Coal Mines Act.
——Great Britain.Yorkshire.
Killed.Seriously Injured.Killed.Seriously Injured.
1st January—20th February, 1943973451551
Corresponding period of 194219440022101
Corresponding period of 19411164431498