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War Production (Booklets)

Volume 387: debated on Wednesday 17 March 1943

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asked the Minister of Production whether he will call the attention of managers of factories engaged in war production to the booklets on the most efficient methods of dealing with the clerical side of works production and organisation now in preparation by the British Standards Institution?

A note on the first of these booklets to be published by the British Standards Institution is included in the current issue of the Production and Engineering Bulletin published jointly by my Department and the Ministry of Labour and National Service, of which I am sending my hon. Friend a copy. Previous issues of the Bulletin, which has a wide circulation among managements, have contained articles on the work of the British Standards Institution in this field, and I am informed that the institution have themselves sent a prospectus describing it to many representative organisations. The publications in question have my warm support and will, I hope, be closely studied by managers of factories engaged in war production. I am examining carefully what further steps can be taken to ensure a full distribution to them.