asked the Home Secretary whether the search for unexploded bombs is being consistently carried out in the bombed areas; and whether he has any further statement to make concerning the necessity and value of this work?
All reports of unexploded bombs are communicated at once to the appropriate authorities by the wardens or the police; the most careful investigation of these reports is made and the site of the alleged unexploded bomb is carefully examined as soon as possible. If at any subsequent time there is any reason to think that an unexploded bomb has not been detected, a further investigation is immediately made on the spot. I have every reason to think that the methods adopted, both of reporting and investigation, reduce to a minimum the risk of an unexploded bomb remaining undetected.
asked the Home Secretary whether he will issue more detailed information to the public concerning the dangers of the new anti-personnel bombs now being used by the enemy, especially in respect to the action to be taken where such explosives are discovered?
It has already been explained in the Press and on the wireless that the special danger of this bomb (which is not a new bomb) is its liability to detonate at the slightest touch, and the public were warned on no account to approach or touch such a bomb, but to report it at once, to the nearest warden or police officer. I do not think any further instructions are required.