asked the Home Secretary how many arrests for drunkenness and misbehaviour in London there were on the average on Saturdays in 1942 of men serving in the Forces of the Allies; and how this compares with similar arrests on Sundays?
I regret that statistics are not available in the form asked for by my hon. and gallant Friend and could not be furnished without considerable research. In any case they would not include those cases of misbehaviour that are dealt with by the military police. I understand that, as in the case of the civilian population, drunkenness occurs less frequently among members of all Armed Forces on Sunday than on Saturday, but the number of cases on any day is relatively small. I would like to take this opportunity of paying a tribute to the public behaviour of the large majority of Allied troops in this country, which, I am informed, is most satisfactory in every respect.
Are not these statistics evidence against the Sunday opening of theatres?
I do not think I had better walk into that trap.