asked the Minister of Labour whether he is in a position to state what provision is to be made to enable young men and women whose careers have been interrupted by the war to resume or begin their training when the war is over?
The Government fully recognise the need for assisting suitably qualified men or women to obtain after the war, the further education or training which their war service has interrupted or prevented. Close attention has accordingly been given to this matter, and the Government's plans are now sufficiently advanced to enable a statement to be made on the general nature of the arrangements proposed. As the statement is rather long, I will, if I may, arrange for its publication in the OFFICIAL REPORT.
Following is the statement:
Further Education for Demobilised Members of the Forces and other War Workers.
1. His Majesty's Government announce that plans have been approved for providing financial assistance to enable suitably qualified men and women, on demobilisation, to undertake or continue further education or training (i.e., beyond the secondary school standard).
2. The aim of the scheme is to replenish the supply of persons qualified to fill responsible posts in the professions, industry, including agriculture and commerce. It is intended to cover training in professional, commercial and industrial concerns as well as courses at universities, technical colleges and training colleges.
3. It will apply to those whose further education or training has been prevented or interrupted by their war service.
4. The scheme is primarily intended for His Majesty's Armed Forces and their auxiliary and nursing services, together with the Merchant Navy, police auxiliaries, full-time Civil Defence personnel and civil nursing reserve. A certain number of places will, however, be available for suitable candidates whose further education or training has been similarly prevented or interrupted by employment in other work of national importance.
5. Facilities of the kind which will be made available on general demobilisation will be afforded at once to suitable applicants who have been discharged on medical grounds from their war service and who are not required by the Ministry of Labour and National Service to undertake cither forms of national service.
6. Inquiries should, until further notice, be addressed as follows:
In the case of candidates normally resident in England or Wales to:
The Secretary,
Board of Education,
Belgrave Square,
London, S.W.1.
In the case of candidates normally resident in Scotland to:
The Secretary,
Scottish Education Department,
St. Andrew's House,
Edinburgh, 1.
Further Education and Training in the Services.
7. It is intended that, so far as it is practicable and the exigences of Service duties permit, corresponding opportunities for further education and training should be provided by the Service Departments during the period of resettlement before demobilisation is complete for men and women likely to remain in the Armed Forces for a substantial period.
Committee on Further Education and Training.
8. An interdepartmental committee, which will include representatives of the universities, is being appointed to ensure that the educational and training arrangements are closely related to the prospects of employment at home and abroad, and to secure co-ordination between the facilities to be provided outside and inside the Services.
Arrangements for Finding Employment.
9. Consideration has also been given to the development of arrangements for assisting persons with qualifications for the higher posts in the professions, industry and commerce to find opportunities of suitable employment during the period of resettlement after the war. These arrangements are to be centred in the Appointments Department of the Ministry of Labour and National Service, and an independent committee is being appointed to advise the Minister on the organisation of the work and the best methods of securing close co-operation with the appropriate professional, industrial and business organisations, and with the education authorities.
10. Lord Hankey has agreed to become Chairman of the interdepartmental committee on further education and training, and of the committee to advise upon the work of the Appointments Department.