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Secret Session (Sittings Of The House)

Volume 388: debated on Wednesday 31 March 1943

The text on this page has been created from Hansard archive content, it may contain typographical errors.

Notice taken, that Strangers were present.

Whereupon Mr. SPEAKER, pursuant to Standing Order No. 89, put the Question, "That Strangers be ordered to withdraw."

Question agreed to.

Strangers withdrew accordingly.

Mr. SPEAKER afterwards issued the following Report of the PROCEEDINGS IN SECRET SESSION:

The House in Secret Session heard a statement from the Prime Minister on the Sittings of the House and debated a consequential Motion. A Division took place on an Amendment, which was defeated.

Proceedings in relation to Division:

Amendment proposed to the Prime Minister's Motion, in paragraph (1), to

Division No. 13.


Acland-Troyte, Lt.-Col. G. J.Foot, D. M.Messer, F.
Adamson, Jennie L. (Dartford)Foster, W.Mitcheson, Sir G. G.
Albery, Sir IrvingFrankel, D.Montague, F.
Alexander, Rt. Hon. A. V. (H'lsbr.)Fraser, T. (Hamilton)Morrison, G. A. (Scottish Universities)
Anderson, F. (Whitehaven)Fyfe, Major Sir D. P. M.Morrison, Major J. G. (Salisbury)
Banfield, J. W.Galbraith, Comdr. T. D.Mott-Radclyffe, Capt. C. E.
Barnes, A. J.Gardner, B. WMuff, G.
Barstow, P. G.George, Maj. Rt. Hn. G. Lloyd (P'b'ke)Murray, Sir D. K. (Midlothian, N.)
Beamish, Rear-Admiral, T. P.Gibson, Sir C. G.Murray, J. D. (Spennymoor)
Beattie, F. (Cathcart)Gluckstein, Major. L. H.Nall, Sir J.
Beauchamp, Sir B. C.Green, W. H. (Deptford)Naylor, T. E.
Beaumont, Hubert (Batley)Grenfell, D. R.Oldfield, W. H.
Beaumont, Maj. Hn. R. E. B. (P'ts'h)Gridley, Sir A. B.Oliver, G. H.
Beechman, N. A.Griffiths, G. A. (Hemsworth)Paling, W.
Bennett, Sir P. F. B. (Edgbaston)Griffiths, J. (Llanelly)Parker, J.
Benson, G.Grimston, R. V.Peake, Rt. Hon. O.
Bevin, Rt. Hon. E.Guy, W. H.Pearson, A.
Blair, Sir R.Hacking, Rt. Hon. Sir D. H.Perkins, W. R. D.
Boles, Lt.-Col. D. C.Hall, Rt. Hon. G. H. (Aberdare)Peters, Dr. S. J.
Bossom, A. C.Hambro, Capt. A. V.Petherick, Major M.
Boulton, W. W.Hannah, I. C.Pethick-Lawrence, Rt. Hon. F. W.
Bowles, F. G.Hannon, Sir P. J. H.Pilkington, Captain R. A.
Brass, Capt. Sir W.Hardie, AgnesPrice, M. P.
Broad, F. A.Harris, Rt. Hon. Sir P. A.Radford, E. A.
Broadbridge, Sir G. T.Hayday, A.Raikes, Flight-Lieut. H. V. A. M.
Brocklebank, Sir C. E. R.Heilgers, Major F. F. A.Reakes, G. L. (Wallasey)
Brooks, T. J. (Rothwell)Henderson, J. (Ardwick)Reed, A. C. (Exeter)
Brown, Rt. Hon. E. (Leith)Henderson, J. J. Craik (Leeds, N.E.)Reid, Rt. Hon. J. S. C. (Hillhead)
Brown, Brig.-Gen. H. C. (Newbury)Henderson, T. (Tradeston)Rickards, G. W.
Brown, T. J. (Ince)Heneage, Lt.-Col. A. P.Ridley, G.
Brown, W. J. (Rugby)Higgs, W. F.Riley, B.
Bullock, Capt. M.Holdsworth, H.Robinson, W. A. (St. Helens)
Burden, T. W.Hollins, A. (Hanley)Rothschild, J. A. de
Burke, W. A.Hollins, J. H. (Silvertown)Rowlands, G.
Burton, Col. H. W.Holmes, J. S.Royds, Admiral Sir P. M. R.
Butler, Rt. Hon. R. A.Horsbrugh, FlorenceRussell, Sir A. (Tynemouth)
Cadogan, Major Sir E.Howitt, Dr. A. B.Salt, E. W.
Campbell, J. D. (Antrim)Hudson, Rt. Hon. R. S. (Southport)Schuster, Sir G. E.
Cape, T.Hughes, R. M.Selley, H. R.
Gary, R. A.Hume, Sir G. H.Shaw, Major P. S. (Wavertree)
Chapman, A. (Rutherglen)Hunter, T.Shaw, Capt. W. T. (Forfar)
Chapman, Sir S. (Edinburgh, S.)Hutchinson, G. C. (Ilford)Shepperson, Sir E. W.
Charleton, H. C.Isaacs, G. A.Shute, Col. Sir J. J.
Churchill, Flt. Hn. Winston S. (Ep'ing)Jenkins, A. (Pontypool)Simmonds, O. E.
Clarry, Sir ReginaldJohnston, Rt. Hon. T. (Stl'g & C'km'n)Smith, E. (Stoke)
Cluse, W. S.Jowitt, Rt. Hon. Sir W. A.Smith, Sir R. W. (Aberdeen)
Clynes, Rt. Hon. J. R.Kimball, Major L.Smith, T. (Normanton)
Cocks, F. S.Lawson, J. J.Sorensen, R. W.
Collindridge, F.Leach, W.Southby, Comdr. Sir A. R. J.
Cook, Lt.-Col. Sir T. R. A. M. (N'flk, N.)Leighton, Major B. E. P.Stephen, C.
Cooke, J. D. (Hammersmith, S.)Lennox-Boyd, A. T. L.Stewart, W. Joseph (H'gton-le-Spring)
Courthope, Col. Rt. Hon. Sir G. L.Leonard, W.Strickland, Capt. W. F.
Craven-Ellis, W.Leslie, J. R.Stuart, Lord C. Crichton-(Northwich)
Crowder, Capt. J. F. E.Lewis, O.Stuart, Rt. Hon. J. (Moray and Nairn)
Daggar, G.Liddall, W. S.Studholme, Captain H. G.
Davies, Major Sir G. F. (Yeovil)Little, Dr. J. (Down)Sueter, Rear-Admiral Sir M. F.
Davies, R. J. (Westhoughton)Lloyd, C. E. (Dudley)Sutcliffe, H.
Davison, Sir W. H.Lloyd, Major E. G. R. (Renfrew, E.)Tasker, Sir R. I.
De Chair, Capt. S. S.Loftus, P. C.Taylor, Vice-Adm. E. A. (P'd'ton, S.
Denman, Hon. R. D.Lyle, Sir C. E. LeonardTaylor, H. B. (Mansfield)
Dobbie, W.Mabane, W.Taylor, R. J. (Morpeth)
Doland, G. F.McCorquodale, Malcolm S.Thomas, J. P. L. (Hereford)
Donner, Squadron-Leader P. W.Macdonald, Captain Peter (I. of W.)Thomas, Dr. W. S. Russell (S'thm'tn)
Douglas, F. C. R.McEwen, Capt. J. H. F.Thorne, W.
Drewe, C.McGovern, J.Thorneycroft, H. (Clayton)
Dugdale, John (W. Bromwich)Maclean, M. (Govan)Tinker, J. J.
Dunn, E.McNeil, H.Titchfield, Lt.-Col. Marquess of
Ede, J. C.Makins, Brig. Gen. Sir E.Tomlinson, G.
Edmondson, Major Sir J.Mander, G. le M.Touche, G. C.
Edwards, A. (Middlesbrough, E.)Marshall, F.Tufnell, Lieut.-Comdr. R. L.
Edwards, N. (Caerphilly)Martin, J. H.Walkden, A. G. (Bristol, S.)
Edwards, Walter J. (Whitechapel)Mathers, G.Walkden, E. (Doncaster)
Fildes, Sir H.Mellor, Sir J. S. P.Walker, J.

leave out sub-paragraph ( b).—[ Sir Edward Grigg.]

Question put, "That sub-paragraph ( b) stand part of the Question."

The House divided: Ayes, 241; Noes, 63.

Ward, Col. Sir A. L. (Hull)Westwood, J.Windsor, W.
Waterhouse, Capt. C.White, Sir Dymoke (Fareham)Womersley, Rt. Hon. Sir W.
Watkins, F. C.While, H. (Derby, N. E.)Woodburn, A.
Watson, W. McL.Whiteley, Rt. Hon. W. (Blaydon)Woods, G. S. (Finsbury)
Watt, F. C. (Edinburgh Con.)Wickham, Lt.-Col. E. T. R.Young, A. S. L. (Partick)
Watt, Lt.-Col. G. S. H. (Richmond)Williams, Sir H. G. (Croydon, S.)Young, Sir R. (Newton)
Wells, Sir S. RichardWilliams, Rt. Hon. T. (Don Valley)
Welsh, J. C.Wilmot, JohnTELLERS FOR THE AYES—
Mr. Adamson and Mr. Pym.


Agnew, Comdr. P. G.Grigg, Sir E. W. M. (Altrincham)Morris-Jones, Sir Henry
Astor, Viscountess (Plymouth, Sutton)Gruffydd, W. J.Peto, Major B. A. J.
Astor, Hon. W. W. (Fulham E.)Guest, Dr. L. Haden (Islington, N.)Rathbone, Eleanor
Barr, J.Gunston, Major Sir D. W.Reed, Sir H. S. (Aylesbury)
Bartlett, C. V. O.Hall, W. G. (Colne Valley)Robertson, D. (Streatham)
Beit, Sir A. L.Harvey, T. E.Robinson, J. R. (Blackpool)
Bower, Norman (Harrow)Hely-Hutchinson, M. R.Silverman, S. S.
Bower, Comdr. R. T. (Cleveland)Hewlett, T. H.Spearman, A. C. M.
Braithwaite, Major A. N. (Buckrose)Hill, Prof. A. V.Stokes, R. R.
Brooke, H. (Lewisham)Hinchingbrooke, ViscountStorey, S.
Channon, H.Hogg, Hon. Q. McG.Strauss, G. R. (Lambeth, N.)
Cove, W. G.Horabin, T. L.Tate, Mavis C.
Davidson, Viscountess (H'm'l H'mst'd)Hurd, Sir P. A.Thomas, I. (Keighley)
Davies, Clement (Montgomery)Jones, Sir G. W. H. (S'k Newington)Walker-Smith, Sir J.
Drioerg, T. E. N.Keir, Mrs. CazaletWard, Irene M. B. (Wallsend)
Etherton, RalphKendall, W. D.Wedderburn, H. J. S.
Evans, D. O. (Cardigan)Lakin, C. H. A.Willink, H. U.
Furness, Major S. N.Lamb, Sir J. Q.Winterton, Rt. Hon. Earl
Gammans, Capt. L. D.Linstead, H. N.York, Major C.
Gates, Major E. E.Lipson, D. L.
George, Megan Lloyd (Anglesey)McGhee, H. G.TELLERS FOR THE NOES.—
Gledhill, G.Moore, Lieut.-Col. Sir T. C. R.Mr. Molson and Major

The House subsequently resumed in Public Session.