asked the President of the Board of Trade the reason for the extension of the Location of Industry Order to cover premises below 3,000 square feet in area?
Under the Location of Industry (Restriction) Order, 1941, the starting up of any form of production in premises of 3,000 square feet or over in area, or a change-over in the type of production carried on in such premises, was subject to the issue of a licence by the Board of Trade. With the progress of the war it became essential to cover all premises, whatever their size, so that there should be no waste anywhere of our resources, whether of space, raw material or labour. Accordingly, following consultation with the Ministry of Production, an Order was made in October last abolishing the exemption of premises below 3,000 square feet in area and thus bringing within the Department's control all premises, whatever their area. The Order is administered in close consultation with the regional boards of the Ministry of Production. The Order also governs the use of premises for storage purposes.