asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, what loss has been incurred in connection with the British Restaurant, Brook Road, South Benfleet, on capital account and on trading account respectively; what will be the ultimate apportionment of the total ascertained loss between the Exchequer and the local authority; and whether the local authority acted as a principal in the establishment of this restaurant?
The total capital expenditure incurred in respect of the British Restaurant, Brook Road, South Benfleet, was £1,450 8s. 11d., of which £701 15s. 4d., being expenditure on structural alterations and installation of equipment, must be regarded as a loss and will fall on the Exchequer. The remaining £748 13s. 7d. was expended on equipment, which will be recovered and used elsewhere. The trading account for the period up to the end of December, 1942, showed a loss of £414 9s. 6½d. That for the period 1st January to 5th March, 1943, has not yet been submitted by the Benfleet Urban District Council. When it is received, the extent to which the losses incurred can properly be reimbursed by the Ministry will be considered. The Benfleet Urban District Council acted as a principal in the establishment of the Restaurant under powers conferred by S.R. & O. No. 103 of 1941.