asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether any instructions have been sent to Colonial Governments regarding the provisions which should appear in their trade union legislation in order to comply with the requirements of Section 1 (2a) of the Colonial Development and Welfare Act, 1040, for the purposes of schemes involving the employment of local labour; and, if so, whether any Colonial Government will be required to enact such legislation before any grant is made under this Act in respect to a scheme of this nature?
Yes, Sir. All Colonial Governments have been notified of the provisions which should appear in their legislation for the purposes of Section 1 (2) (a) of the Colonial Development and Welfare Act, 1940. It was thought reasonable that an interim period should be allowed during which the actual approval of schemes should not be automatically withheld pending the enactment of the legislation, but it is certainly not my intention to allow that interim period to continue indefinitely.