asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether his attention has been called to the decision of the Fife Food Control Committee to postpone the rationalisation of retail deliveries of bread in the county until the rationalisation of wholesale supply is dealt with by the Government; and what action is proposed?
I am aware of the views expressed by the Fife food control com- mittee. An Order providing for the rationalisation of wholesale bread deliveries in England and Wales has been made and discussions between my Department and the trade are taking place on the subject of its application in Scotland. Retail bread distribution schemes will not in any case be made general throughout Great Britain until some progress has been made with the rationalisation of wholesale distribution.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport whether he has considered the decision of the bakers in the county of Fife protesting against the congestion caused in yards and junctions by the alteration of the running times of freight trains; and, in view of the decision of the bakers that they were able to supply all the bread needed in the county, he will reconsider the running of a daily special train from Glasgow to Dundee through Fife?
No general complaint has reached me from the bakers of Fife against the 2.15 a.m. freight train from Glasgow, nor have I evidence that this train is causing congestion in yards and junctions. The Ministry of Food and representatives of the trade in Scotland are now discussing the question of rationalising the wholesale distribution of bread. I hope, therefore, that my right hon. Friend will agree that it would be unwise for me to interfere in one specific case, while these discussions are going on.