Railway Sabotage
asked the Secretary of State for India whether sabotage on the railways in India is still in progress; and how many such instances have taken place in each of the last three months?
Instances of attempted sabotage on Indian railways continue to be reported. Some 61 such cases were reported during the last three months—28 in January, 16 in February and 17 in March. Most of these were minor attempts at interference with the track or railway property. Four only of the cases were serious or involved loss of life. These were two derailments in Assam, one in January and one in March; one derailment in Bihar in February; and a bomb explosion at Cawnpore railway station, also in February. One attempted derailment and four other minor attempts at sabotage have been reported since the beginning of April.
Have these treasonable acts been traced definitely to Congress inspiration?
They show that the trouble is not entirely over. We have to continue to be watchful.
Food Situation
asked the Secretary of State for India the present position of the famine-threatened areas of India; what further measures have been taken to secure food supplies and their distribution; and the present price of rice in these areas and elsewhere?
I do not know to what areas in India the hon. Member's Question is intended to refer. But I am glad to be able to assure him that the Government of India's latest reports show the food situation generally to be much improved. The wheat, barley and gram crops are promising very well, and the millet crop has turned out much better than was expected. Last year's rice crop, though disappointing in view of the "Grow More Food Campaign," was well above the level of harvests which India has experienced in former years without serious trouble. The Government of India have held a conference with the Provinces and States are now concerting with them details of a plan whereby deficits and surpluses shall be balanced out under Government control, with the assistance of six regional commissioners. The principal anxiety at present concerns urban supplies of rice in Bengal, where the price is six times the pre-war figure. Supplies are being brought in from neighbouring areas, and I understand that, though enough is coming forward for immediate purposes, the supply is not yet sufficiently assured to bring down the present excessive price, and action is continuing with this object in view.
Would the right hon. Gentleman reply to the last part of my Question, as to the price of rice? While expressing gratification that the famine threat has at least diminished, may I ask whether he could say that there is no area in India where famine conditions continue?
No, Sir. If the hon. Member will read my full answer, he will realise that the only difficulty of the price situation is in certain urban districts in Bengal. I have given him average increases in price, as there are so many varieties of rice.
Death Sentence (Kayyur Peasants)
asked the Secretary of State for India whether the death sentence on the four Kayyur peasants has been carried out; whether he gave advice on this matter to His Majesty's Governor-General; and what knowledge he has of representations for clemency made by Indian public men and organisations?
The death sentences were carried out on 29th March. I have given no advice in the matter to the Governor-General, to whom the exercise of the prerogative of mercy has been expressly delegated by His Majesty. I have received no report of representations made by Indian public men or organisations, but I have no doubt that any such representations were fully considered by the responsible authorities in India.
While one does not in any way condone acts of violence, does the right hon. Gentleman not appreciate that the execution of these four peasants is a moral and political blunder of tragic magnitude? Will he inquire of the Viceroy what representations were made in India, and why clemency was not exercised?
No, Sir. The matter was primarily one for the courts, and then for the Privy Council, to whom a special right of appeal was transmitted. The appeal was then rejected. When the appeal was rejected the prisoners had the right to appeal to the Governor-General for mercy, and no execution could take place before the Governor-General, in the exercise of the authority expressly delegated to him, considered that mercy should not be extended.
What crime had these people committed?
Stoning a policeman to death and drowning him while he was in the water.
Was there any specific evidence tendered against these four men who have been hanged, proving that they themselves had been party to the stoning?
I hardly expect that the hon. Member suggests that the judge who tried the case and the judge in the appeal acted without specific evidence.
The judge admitted that there was no evidence against these four men.