asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he can give any estimate of the number of letters sent out each month from all the food offices; and whether, in order to save paper and labour at both food offices and post offices, he will adopt the proposal sent to him by the Cheltenham Food Committee that franked envelopes or labels be issued to food offices?
The answer to the first part of this Question is "No, Sir." With regard to the second part of the Question, while I am unable to trace any proposal in the sense suggested by my hon. Friend, the Food Executive Officer for Cheltenham put the question to me verbally at a recent meeting of Food Executive Officers and Chairmen of Food Control Committees in Bristol, and I was able to explain to him why it did not appear possible to meet his request.
Does the hon. Gentleman not agree that the number of letters sent out is very considerable; is he not aware that the Food Executive Officer for Cheltenham was not convinced by the Minister's reply and that was the reason why the Food Committee passed a resolution on the matter; and will he let me have his considered objections to the proposal?
It is very largely a matter for the Postmaster-General.