asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works whether, having regard to the great improvement in the lighting and amenities of the Chamber which has been demonstrated, with no detriment to acoustics, when a certain number of windows have been thrown open recently, he will now arrange for the glazing of those windows?
I would refer to the reply given to the hon. Member for Leeds Central (Mr. Denman) cm 21st April and to previous replies on this subject. The window panels which were recently opened form only a small portion of the total window surface and the complete reglazing of the windows as suggested would undoubtedly affect adversely the acoustical conditions in the Chamber. Apart from this consideration, I should add that the metal frames of the windows have been removed and that considerable difficulty would be experienced in obtaining the labour and material required for their replacement. The opening of the windows would also raise problems of draught, whilst their reglazing would present difficulties of black-out which are not inconsiderable under existing conditions.