asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he will give particulars of the hospital ships which have been sunk or damaged by Axis forces from the beginning of the war to the latest available date; and whether all such ships bore distinguishing marks in accordance with the requirements of the Geneva Convention?
Full particulars are only readily available of German and Italian attacks on hospital ships and carriers, but even so the list is unhappily a long one, and with the hon. Member's permission I will circulate a full statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT. All the ships in the list were properly marked in accordance with the Geneva Convention.
What protests have been made through the International Red Cross or otherwise against this scandalous infringement of international law, and what excuses, if any, have been put forward by either Germany or Italy?
Representations have been made on all occasions through the Foreign Office.
Will the right hon. Gentleman discriminate in the list between attacks by bomb and by torpedo?
That is another question. The list will be circulated to-day, and the hon. and gallant Gentleman can put down any further Question that he wants answered.
Will the list state in what cases the crews and the wounded have been machine-gunned while escaping in open boats?
There is a very large number of cases. If the hon. Gentleman will look at the list and then put any
Date. | Name of Ship. | Locality. | Nature of Attack. | Result. |
1940 | ||||
May 1-11 | "Atlantis" | Off Norway | Bombed on 4 occasions | No damage |
May 18-24 | "Brighton" | Dieppe Harbour | Bombed on 3 occasions | Sunk |
May 21 | "Maid of Kent" | Dieppe Harbour | Bombed | Destroyed by fire |
May 24-26 | "St. Andrew" | Near Calais | Shelled on 2 occasions | No damage |
May 27-31 | "St. Andrew" | Near Dunkirk | Bombed on 2 occasions | No damage |
May 24-27 | "St. Julien" | Dunkirk; off Calais and in the Downs. | Shelled on 2 occasions and bombed once. | No damage |
May 29th | "St. Julien" | On passage to Dunkirk. | Bombed and machine gunned. | Slight damage |
May 25th | "St. David" | Off Gravelines | Shelledfrom shore batteries. | No damage |
May 31st | "St. David" | Off Dunkirk | Bombed,shelled and machine gunned. | No damage |
May 25-26 | "Worthing" | Off Calais | Shelled on 2 occasions and bombed once. | No damage |
May 27th & June 2nd | "Worthing" | Nr. Dunkirk | Bombed and machine gunned on 2 occasions. | Severe damage |
May 26th | "Isle of Guernsey." | Off Calais | Shelledfrom shore batteries. | No damage |
May 29th | "Isle of Guernsey." | On passage to Dunkirk. | Bombed and machine gunned. | Slight damage |
May 27th | "Isle of Thanet" | Off Calais | Shelled from shore batteries. | Damaged |
May 27th | "Isle of Thanet" | English Channel | Bombed and machine gunned. | No damage |
May 30th | "Dinard" | Off Dunkirk | Shelled once and bombed once. | Slight damage |
June 2-3 | "Paris" | On passage to Dunkirk. | Bombed on 3 occasions | Sunk |
| ||||
Jan. 31st & Feb. 1st. | "Dorsetshire" | Off Sollum | Bombed once, machine gunned once. | No damage |
Sept. 12th | "Dorsetshire" | Port Tewfik | Bombed | Slight damage |
Feb. 23rd | "Aba" | Tobruk Harbour | Bombed | Slight damage |
April 20th | "Aba" | Suda Bay, Crete (at anchor). | Bombed | Slight damage |
May 16th | "Aba" | Canea, Crete | Machine gunned | Slight damage |
May 17th | "Aba" | On passage to Haifa | Bombed on 2 occasions | Damaged |
April 14-21 | "Vita" | Tobruk | Bombed on 2 occasions | Damaged |
April 22nd | "Vita" | On tow in Mediterranean. | Bombed | Badly damaged |
April 27th | "Ramb IV" | Nr. Tobruk | Bombed | Slight damage |
Aug. 7th | "Amra" | Gulf of Suez | Torpedoed from aircraft. | No damage |
Sept. 5th | "Karapara" | Tobruk | Bombed | Damaged |
Nov. 7th | "Llandovery Castle" | Suez (in dock) | Bombed | Slight damage |
Dec. 7th | "Somersetshire" | Between Tobruk and Alexandria. | Dive-bombed and machine-gunned. | No damage |
| ||||
Jan. 30th | "Somersetshire" | Between Tobruk and Alexandria. | Dive bombed | No damage |
Feb. 21st | "Somersetshire " | Tobruk Harbour | Bombed | No damage |
April 7th | "Somersetshire" | Between Alexandria and Tobruk. | Torpedoed | Severe damage |
Feb. 10-12 | "Llandovery Castle" | Between Alexandria and Tobruk. | Bombed on 3 occasions | No damage |
Mar. 27th | "Llandovery Castle" | Tobruk Harbour | Bombed | Slight damage |
May 10th | "Ramb IV" | Near Alexandria | Bombed | Sunk |
further. Question, I will do my best to answer.