asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is yet in a position to make a statement with regard to the Oxford milk zoning scheme?
There is nothing I can add at present to the full letter which my Noble Friend sent to my hon. Friend on 15th May. I will communicate further with my hon. Friend as soon as details of the savings under the scheme are available.
Not having had the letter, may I ask—
Am I right in thinking that the hon. Member has already given notice that he will raise this matter on the Adjournment?
That was with regard to my laundry Question. This Question refers to milk. Is it not a fact that my hon. Friend's Order led to certain consumers in Oxford being compelled to receive milk from a retailer who is suffering from tuberculosis of the nose? Is it nut a fact that there is no power to compel him to cease business and that this can only be done by private negotiations and that if this matter had been raised before some representatives of the consumers this kind of thing would not have happened?
The question of the person suffering from lupus is dealt with in the letter to my hon. Friend. I think that he is now no longer delivering milk.