asked the Minister without Portfolio when the Government's White Paper on Social Insurance and Land Development based on the Beveridge and Uthwatt Reports will be published.
No, Sir. I have nothing to add to the reply given by my right hon. Friend the Lord President of the Council on 17th May to a similar Question by the hon. Member for Rom-ford (Mr. Parker).
Cannot my right hon. and learned Friend say whether it will be published, if not now, at any rate before the Summer Recess begins?
I am not going to make any promise beyond that contained in the answer of my right hon. Friend.
Will it be before the end of the year?
Could not the hon. Member for East Wolverhampton (Mr. Mander), who is a Parliamentary Private Secretary, find out this information through the usual channels?
Is it not the case that there was a promise that a White Paper would be published shortly after Easter?
That White Paper deals with land development and questions dealing with land development should be addressed to my right hon. Friend the Minister of Town and Country Planning.