asked the Minister of Works how the labour available in October, 1945, to the building trade in Hythe and Folkestone compares approximately with that available in 1938; and what steps he has taken, and proposes to take, to help in increasing the labour available for the rebuilding and rehabilitation of these two towns which have suffered so severely
There were approximately 1,800 men in the employment of building contractors in Hythe and Folke- stone in 1938, as compared with 1,200 in October, 1945. Over 200 men were brought into the area by contractors from other parts of the country and by the Special Repair Service of the Ministry of Works. Although it is expected that releases from the Forces during the next few months will materially add to the available building force, the need for special measures to assist in the rehabilitation of the badly damaged coast towns is fully recognised and measures to this end are under consideration.