asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that American soldiers are sent home after serving 12 months in Burma; and if he will now consider applying the same rule to our men.
asked the Secretary of State for War whether arrangements can now be made to return to this country all men who have served overseas for over three years.
asked the Secretary of State for War if he can now make any further statement as to the possibility of replacing, by new formations, those Servicemen who have been in the Far East for over three years.
For the moment I cannot do more than refer the hon. Members to the answers which the Prime Minister gave the hon. Members for Everton, Liverpool (Mr. Kirby), and South Croydon (Sir H. Williams) and which I gave the hon. Members for West Lewisham (Mr. H. Brooke) and Skipton (Mr. H. Lawson) on 15th May. But of course all these matters are engaging our constant attention.